Solution Summary


Business Investigation

Investigation is the first milestone when a business is aiming to adopt Enterprise Data Intelligence. If the software holds any intelligence value, it must help you narrow down possible pitfalls of the future and anomalies in business operations.

Mego lets you quickly investigate and diagnose your business and also prescribes mitigative actions based on the root-causes of expected business shifts.


Business Optimization

Optimizers give a direction to the thoughts that count while taking a decision by showing what these decisions could be in an ideal world, and what are the other Business options available. These optimisers need to be quick, usable and should also be open to factoring-in the experimental values of control parameters.

Mego uses smart combinations of optimizer-optimizer duos to cut down run time, with each run of optimization.


Business Scenario Simulations

Opportunity modelling helps businesses gauge the risks and benefits of decisions through scenario simulations. This is only possible if your business develops a sense and response system, one that you can rely upon.

Mego doesn’t disrupt the IT setup of your business but instead it leverages the existing IT setup and converts Data to Decision help at scale with levers and sliders important to your decision making on your simulation screen.